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Real world analogy

Imagine that you are in an airport ✈️. In the airport, travelers are trying to enter into a different country. You can think of the travelers as packets and the passport control officer as a network ACL. The passport control officer checks travelers’ credentials when they are both entering and exiting out of the country. If a traveler is on an approved list, they are able to get through. However, if they are not on the approved list or are explicitly on a list of banned travelers, they cannot come in.

  • Each AWS account includes a default network ACL. When configuring your VPC, you can use your account’s default network ACL or create custom network ACLs.
  • Default ACL allows all the inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Custom ACL denies all inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Additionally, all network ACLs have an explicit deny rule. This rule ensures that if a packet doesn’t match any of the other rules on the list, the packet is denied.
  • We can block IP’s using ACL but not SG.

Stateless packet filtering

Network ACLs perform stateless packet filtering. They remember nothing and check packets that cross the subnet border each way: inbound and outbound.

Recall the previous example of a traveler who wants to enter into a different country. This is similar to sending a request out from an Amazon EC2 instance and to the internet.

When a packet response for that request comes back to the subnet, the network ACL does not remember your previous request. The network ACL checks the packet response against its list of rules to determine whether to allow or deny.

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