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AWS Batch

AWS Batch helps you to run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud. Batch computing is a common way for developers, scientists, and engineers to access large amounts of compute resources.

As a fully managed service, AWS Batch helps you to run batch computing workloads of any scale. AWS Batch automatically provisions compute resources and optimizes the workload distribution based on the quantity and scale of the workloads. With AWS Batch, there's no need to install or manage batch computing software, so you can focus your time on analyzing results and solving problems.

How to run an AWS Batch job?

AWS Batch simplifies running batch jobs across multiple Availability Zones within a Region. You can create AWS Batch compute environments within a new or existing VPC.

After a compute environment is up and associated with a job queue, you can define job definitions that specify which Docker container images to run your jobs.

Container images are stored in and pulled from container registries, which may exist within or outside of your AWS infrastructure.

Components of Batch


A unit of work (such as a shell script, a Linux executable, or a Docker container image) that you submit to AWS Batch. It has a name, and runs as a containerized application on AWS Fargate or Amazon EC2 resources in your compute environment, using parameters that you specify in a job definition. Jobs can reference other jobs by name or by ID, and can be dependent on the successful completion of other jobs. For more information, see Jobs.

Job Definitions

A job definition specifies how jobs are to be run. You can think of a job definition as a blueprint for the resources in your job. You can supply your job with an IAM role to provide access to other AWS resources. You also specify both memory and CPU requirements. The job definition can also control container properties, environment variables, and mount points for persistent storage. Many of the specifications in a job definition can be overridden by specifying new values when submitting individual Jobs. For more information, see Job definitions

Job Queues

When you submit an AWS Batch job, you submit it to a particular job queue, where the job resides until it's scheduled onto a compute environment. You associate one or more compute environments with a job queue.

Priority in queues

You can also assign priority values for these compute environments and even across job queues themselves. For example, you can have a high priority queue that you submit time-sensitive jobs to, and a low priority queue for jobs that can run anytime when compute resources are cheaper.

Compute Environment

A compute environment is a set of managed or unmanaged compute resources that are used to run jobs. With managed compute environments, you can specify desired compute type (Fargate or EC2) at several levels of detail.

You can set up compute environments that use a particular type of EC2 instance, a particular model such as c5.2xlarge or m5.10xlarge

Batch Env's

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