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Route 53

Route 53 has the ability to manage the DNS records for domain names. You can register new domain names directly in Route 53. You can also transfer DNS records for existing domain names managed by other domain registrars. This enables you to manage all of your domain names within a single location.

Route 53 offers a number of different routing policies:

  • Simple
  • Failover
  • Geolocation
  • Geo proximity
  • Latency-based
  • Multivalue answer
  • Weighted

Route 53 supports up to 50 domain names by default, but this limit can be raised if requested.

AĀ naked domainĀ is aĀ domain nameĀ server (DNS)Ā nameĀ that can't be a canonicalĀ nameĀ record (CNAME). An example is, without the www subdomain

tips on DNS

  • TheĀ AĀ record maps a name to one or more IP addresses when the IP is known and stable.
  • TheĀ CNAMEĀ record maps a name to another name. It should only be used when there are no other records on that name.
  • TheĀ ALIASĀ record maps a name to another name but can coexist with other records on that name.
  • TheĀ URLĀ record redirects the name to the target name using the HTTP 301 status code.

Some rules:

  • TheĀ A,Ā CNAME, andĀ ALIASĀ records cause a name to resolve to an IP. Conversely, theĀ URLĀ record redirects the name to a destination. TheĀ URLĀ record is a simple and effective way to apply a redirect for one name to another name, for example redirectingĀ www.example.comĀ toĀ
  • TheĀ AĀ name must resolve to an IP. TheĀ CNAMEĀ andĀ ALIASĀ records must point to a name.

Some imp records are

  • A: TheyĀ are the most basic type of DNSĀ recordĀ and are used to point a domain or subdomain to an IP address.
  • Alias
  • MX: A mail exchanger record specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a domain name.
  • SOA: it means Start Of Authority
  • PTR: Getting reverse DNS going is done by finding theĀ PTR recordsĀ in use by a DNS server.Ā 
  • NS: NSĀ stands for 'name server' and thisĀ recordĀ indicates which DNS server is authoritative for that domain (which server contains the actual DNS records). A domain will often have multipleĀ NSĀ records which can indicate primary and backup name servers for that domain.

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