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Event Grid

Why event grid is required?

The world we live in is reactive. Events take place, and we respond to those events. The reactive nature of Azure services is no exception to this paradigm.

Example: A newly updated blob to Storage service needs to be processed to import data into CosmosDB. A provisioned resource needs to be tagged. Ability to notify subscribers scaled-out between multiple regions with non-ubiquitous receiving mechanisms (webhooks, queues, streams, etc). Reacting to the events taking place on a cloud-scale is not what the messaging services covered earlier were built for. That’s what Event Grid was created for.

  • Event Grid is to build reactive architecture.


  • Custom WebHooks: Use webhooks for customizable endpoints that respond to events.
  • Azure Functions: Use Azure Functions for serverless response to events.
  • Logic Apps: Use Logic Apps to automate business processes for responding to events.
  • Storage Queues: Use Queue storage to receive events that need to be pulled. By sending events to Queue storage, the app can pull and process events on its own schedule.
  • Event Hubs: Use Event Hubs when your solution gets events faster than it can process the events.
  • Azure Automation: Use Azure Automation to process events with automated runbooks.
  • Hybrid Connections: Use Azure Relay Hybrid Connections to send events to applications that are within an enterprise network and don’t have a publicly accessible endpoint

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