Saga ¶
The Saga design pattern is a way to manage data consistency across microservices in distributed transaction scenarios. A saga is a sequence of transactions that updates each service and publishes a message or event to trigger the next transaction step. If a step fails, the saga executes compensating transactions that counteract the preceding transactions.
How Saga functions?¶

The Saga pattern provides transaction management using a sequence of local transactions
. A local transaction is the atomic work effort performed by a saga participant. Each local transaction updates the database and publishes a message or event
to trigger the next local transaction in the saga. If a local transaction fails, the saga executes a series of compensating transactions that undo the changes that were made by the preceding local transactions.
Example of Saga
In this example, the 2 related steps of book hotel
, book flight
, and book rental
car must all be successful to book a trip.
The first step in the overall transaction is to book the hotel. If that task is successful, then the BookFlight task is executed. If that task is successful, then the BookRental task is executed.
But what if one of the tasks fails? For example, if the BookFlight
task is not successful, then the CancelFlight
task executes, followed by the CancelHotel
task to reverse the transaction. Likewise, any failures with the BookRental
task would lead to the CancelRental
task, which then initiates the CancelFlight
task, which then executes the CancelHotel

When to use Saga?¶
Use the Saga pattern when you need to:
- Ensure data consistency in a distributed system without tight coupling.
- Roll back or compensate if one of the operations in the sequence fails.
The Saga pattern is less suitable for:
- Tightly coupled transactions.
- Compensating transactions that occur in earlier participants.
- Cyclic dependencies.
Orchestration based Saga¶

- The saga orchestrator sends a
Verify Consumer command
toConsumer Service
. Consumer Service
replies with a Consumer Verified message.- The saga orchestrator sends a
Create Ticket command
toKitchen Service
. - Kitchen Service replies with a Ticket Created message.
- The saga orchestrator sends an Authorize Card message to
Accounting Service
. - Accounting Service replies with a Card Authorized message.≠
- The saga orchestrator sends an
Approve Ticket command
to Kitchen Service. - The saga orchestrator sends an
Approve Order command
to Order Service.
Choreo based Saga¶

Order Service
creates an Order in theAPPROVAL_PENDING
state and publishes anOrderCreated event
.Consumer Service
consumes theOrderCreated event
, verifies that the con- sumer can place the order, and publishes aConsumerVerified event
.Kitchen Service
consumes theOrderCreated event
, validates the Order, cre- ates a Ticket in aCREATE_PENDING state
, and publishes theTicketCreated event
.Accounting Service
consumes theOrderCreated event
and creates a Credit- CardAuthorization in a PENDING state.Accounting Service
consumes theTicketCreated
andConsumerVerified events
, charges the consumer’s credit card, and publishes theCreditCard-Authorized event
.Kitchen Service
consumes theCreditCardAuthorized event
and changes the state of the Ticket to AWAITING_ACCEPTANCE.Order Service
receives theCreditCardAuthorized events
, changes the state of the Order to APPROVED, and publishes anOrderApproved